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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

I never thought of myself as an addict, but I did end up addicted to anti-anxiety medication after developing Generalized Anxiety Disorder. At some point, the medicine stopped being a way to deal with the nervousness and panic attacks, and became something my body craved. I knew that I needed help fast. Fortunately, a local drug rehab program includes support for people like me. They helped me wean off the medication, use methods like massage therapy to help my nerves heal, and even provided ongoing counseling for our family. I don't know how I would have made it without their help. If you suspect that your medication has crossed the line from being helpful to hurtful, take heart. Let me tell you about my journey out of addiction and back to wholeness.

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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

    3 Useful Tips When Selecting A Pediatrician For Your Child

    After your baby is born, they'll need to see a pediatrician to make sure their health is where it should be. To make sure they receive the right treatment, though, you'll want to keep these tips in mind when finding a pediatrician for your child.  Assess Credentials  You can make sure your child is cared for by a competent medical professional by assessing the various credentials a pediatrician has. This just shows they have the necessary skills and knowledge to care for infants and children in particular.

    Beyond The Medication: 3 Tips For Improving Arthritis Pain

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    Tips For Realizing If You'Ve Been Approached By A Pro-Life Advocate At An Abortion Clinic

    If you have realized that you're pregnant and you wish to learn more about having an abortion, you might look up an abortion clinic in your area and plan a visit. This visit can give you an opportunity to learn more about medical abortions and decide if this is right for you. Some abortion clinics have problems with pro-life individuals approaching their clients—as you make your way from the parking lot to the clinic, someone may come up to you and erroneously offer assistance.

    Why Taking Your Children To The Same Family Health Clinic As You Is A Good Idea

    Too many people have been given the impression that in order to get the care that they need for their children, they need to set them up with a pediatric clinic. However, that is not the case and more and more people are learning that having everyone in the family visit the same family health clinic is the best thing to do. To help you learn why this is, you will want to check out the following information.

    Seeking Lower Back Pain Treatment From A Chiropractor

    Lower back pain can become severe to the extent of preventing you from being able to work. The reason why is because many responsibilities that are required for working most jobs involve moving the back in some manner. For example, even a career that involves sitting in a chair to take customer services calls involves the use of the back at some point. If you are currently dealing with lower back pain, a chiropractor might be an ideal specialist to go to for treatment.

    Rehabilitation Services Generally Are The Best Treatments For Whiplash Condition Once A Diagnosis Is Confirmed

    When you suffer whiplash injuries following an automobile accident, it is a profoundly disabling pain-in-the-neck condition. Whiplash is a head and neck injury that results from a sudden acceleration and deceleration movement that thrusts your head and neck in a jolting backward and forward movement. It's also possible for you to suffer this type of injury if you're dealt a violent blow to your head that's not related to an auto accident.

    Tips For Recovering After An Abortion

    Following an abortion, it is imperative that you take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Regardless of the reason for the procedure, it can take time to recover. To help you with your recovery, here are a few things to remember. Find Emotional Support After an abortion, you can experience a range of emotions, including relief and sadness. For some women, there is a sense of loss that is sometimes accompanied by depression.

    3 Holistic Options To Ease Fibromyalgia Pain

    Characterized by extreme fatigue and intense pain and tenderness of the muscles, skeleton, and joints, Fibromyalgia is one of the most misunderstood and mistreated disorder. Although there is no known cure, treating the pain is possible through a variety of medications. These medications are effective in some patients, but they can bring about other issues, such as uncomfortable side effects and a potential drug addiction with long-term use. If you are part of the 10 million Americans who live with the debilitating pain of Fibromyalgia, consider one of these holistic treatments to ease your discomfort and live a normal, healthier lifestyle.