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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

I never thought of myself as an addict, but I did end up addicted to anti-anxiety medication after developing Generalized Anxiety Disorder. At some point, the medicine stopped being a way to deal with the nervousness and panic attacks, and became something my body craved. I knew that I needed help fast. Fortunately, a local drug rehab program includes support for people like me. They helped me wean off the medication, use methods like massage therapy to help my nerves heal, and even provided ongoing counseling for our family. I don't know how I would have made it without their help. If you suspect that your medication has crossed the line from being helpful to hurtful, take heart. Let me tell you about my journey out of addiction and back to wholeness.

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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

    Assessing Whether Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy Is An Option For You

    There are many health problems that individuals could experience that will impact their lymphatic system. Unfortunately, this can be a very problematic and painful problem for patients to experience, and it should be no surprise that individuals will often look to a variety of sources for potential relief. Depending on your particular condition, lymphatic drainage massage therapy can be an important step in helping to alleviate these issues. Assumption: Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy Provides Little Benefit 

    Ideas For Your Next Virtual Corporate Wellness Class

    Corporate wellness programs are a great way to encourage employees to make healthy choices. Are you looking for a way to create a wellness class that is fun and fresh? Perhaps your employees don't want to hear a lecture about healthy eating again this month. The good news is that they don't have to. There are plenty of other fun corporate wellness programs your company can do virtually. Here are a few ideas to try.

    5 Benefits Of Holistic Health Care

    More and more people these days are turning to holistic health care to treat various medical conditions. Holistic medicine uses non-invasive methods, such as nutrition and acupuncture, to treat the whole person. If you are currently dealing with an ailment, you may want to give holistic medicine a chance. Here are a few benefits of holistic health care. Have Fewer Side Effects Traditional medicine, like prescription medications and surgeries, has successfully treated many health conditions and helped people live longer.

    Everything You Need To Know About Colonoscopy Procedures

    With any cancer, early detection is your best defense. While colon cancer may be uncomfortable, if not embarrassing, to talk about, early detection is still essential. Here's what you need to know about colonoscopy procedures. What is a colonoscopy procedure? A colonoscopy is a medical procedure that allows your doctor to examine the lining of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. Why is a colonoscopy performed? A colonoscopy may be performed to investigate symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, or a change in bowel habits.

    3 Spine Conditions That May Be Fixed With Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

    Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) is an approach to various types of spine surgery that is different than a traditional open procedure. When a similar surgery can be done with minimally invasive techniques, there are fewer risks associated with the procedure. Several conditions may be treated with MISS. Herniated Discs  A herniated disc occurs when the discs, which are located between each vertebra, begin to push on the surrounding tissue. In minor cases of disc herniation, the problem may be managed with conservative approaches such as rest and physical therapy to reduce pressure on the spine.

    3 Risk Factors for Contracting HIV

    HIV is a serious virus that can lead to AIDS if left untreated. It is important to be aware of the risk factors for contracting HIV so that you can take steps to protect yourself. In this informative article, you will discover three risk factors for contracting HIV. Knowledge is power, and understanding these risk factors will help you stay safe and healthy. Here are three of the risk factors for contracting HIV:

    3 Signs You Need A Hearing Test

    Your hearing is important. You could be missing out on a lot of things if you're losing your hearing. The best way to tell that you have lost your hearing and to get the treatment you need is to have a hearing test. Most people don't get a hearing test until they have a serious hearing loss, and they more than likely haven't had a hearing test since they received one in elementary school.

    5 Steps to Take If You Can't Get the COVID Vaccine

    There are many different reasons that people do not get the Covid vaccination. Some people may not be able to get the vaccine due to health concerns. Others may have personal reasons for not wanting the vaccine.  Regardless of why you can't get the vaccine, here are a few tips to protect yourself.  1. Review vaccination or testing policies before going to large venues. Many large venues have rules that attendees need to meet.