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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

I never thought of myself as an addict, but I did end up addicted to anti-anxiety medication after developing Generalized Anxiety Disorder. At some point, the medicine stopped being a way to deal with the nervousness and panic attacks, and became something my body craved. I knew that I needed help fast. Fortunately, a local drug rehab program includes support for people like me. They helped me wean off the medication, use methods like massage therapy to help my nerves heal, and even provided ongoing counseling for our family. I don't know how I would have made it without their help. If you suspect that your medication has crossed the line from being helpful to hurtful, take heart. Let me tell you about my journey out of addiction and back to wholeness.

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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

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    Wellness programs are commonly designed to support better mental and physical health in the office. Yoga has found its way into many corporate wellness programs. Any business with a high-stress accounting department should seriously think about integrating the ancient art into a wellness program. Doing so may lead to far fewer costly mistakes when accountants are overwhelmed with paperwork and number crunching. Controlling the Mind A person who is stressed out and overburdened at work is not going to maintain the proper mental clarity for highly-detailed accounting work.

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    Warning Signs Of Vision Problems In Children

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