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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

I never thought of myself as an addict, but I did end up addicted to anti-anxiety medication after developing Generalized Anxiety Disorder. At some point, the medicine stopped being a way to deal with the nervousness and panic attacks, and became something my body craved. I knew that I needed help fast. Fortunately, a local drug rehab program includes support for people like me. They helped me wean off the medication, use methods like massage therapy to help my nerves heal, and even provided ongoing counseling for our family. I don't know how I would have made it without their help. If you suspect that your medication has crossed the line from being helpful to hurtful, take heart. Let me tell you about my journey out of addiction and back to wholeness.

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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

Your Podiatrist Recommended Orthopedic Shoes: What's Your Next Step?

by Valerie Stevens

Orthopedic shoes can be helpful for individuals suffering from a range of problems with their feet, ankles, and even back. In some cases, doctors may recommend orthopedic shoes for systemic issues, such as diabetes. Whatever the case, orthopedic shoes are about more than just comfort – they can also be a critical part of an ongoing treatment plan.

If you haven't purchased orthopedic footwear before, then you may not know where to begin. Although you should always follow your doctor's recommendations, this guide will provide a quick primer for selecting orthopedic footwear that works for you.

How Do Orthopedic Shoes Differ From Traditional Options?

It's essential to understand that this specialized type of footwear is very literally not "one size fits all." Since orthopedic shoe designers develop footwear for many ailments, not every shoe will offer the same benefits. These shoes typically have features such as customizable sizing options, extra support, heel cushioning, or various other elements targeted at specific problems.

As a result, you need to be more careful when choosing orthopedic shoes than traditional shoes. Selecting an option with the wrong features could create more problems than it solves, so it's critical to discuss your specific needs with your podiatrist. If you're purchasing shoes without a prescription, they may still recommend particular brands or features.

Can You Choose an Orthopedic Shoe to Fit Your Style?

You might be concerned that orthopedic shoes are ugly or obvious, but nothing could be further from the truth. Modern orthopedic footwear comes in a wide range of styles, and many shoes may be indistinguishable from traditional boots, sneakers, etc. Unless you're using a prescription for a specific custom shoe, you'll usually have plenty of options to fit your particular style.

However, it's also important to remember that poorly fitting shoes can do more harm than good, and many foot problems originate with too small or otherwise ill-fitting shoes. If you're buying a standard orthopedic shoe without a prescription, make sure you're confident in the size you select. You may also want to consider having a professional measure your feet for a better fit.

What About Inserts?

Finally, it's worth considering the importance of orthotic inserts for relieving foot pain and helping to deal with various podiatric issues. A critical feature in many orthopedic shoes is the ability to remove and change the insert. This feature allows you to upgrade your shoes later and makes it possible to use prescription inserts with standard footwear.

Selecting the perfect orthopedic shoes for your needs is a process you shouldn't take lightly. If you're following the recommendations of a podiatrist, always work with them to understand your needs so you can choose the best option to support your feet. Putting in a bit of effort now can mean enjoying shoes that will reduce pain and even improve your health over time.

Contact a company like Mid Star Lab Inc for more tips.
