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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

I never thought of myself as an addict, but I did end up addicted to anti-anxiety medication after developing Generalized Anxiety Disorder. At some point, the medicine stopped being a way to deal with the nervousness and panic attacks, and became something my body craved. I knew that I needed help fast. Fortunately, a local drug rehab program includes support for people like me. They helped me wean off the medication, use methods like massage therapy to help my nerves heal, and even provided ongoing counseling for our family. I don't know how I would have made it without their help. If you suspect that your medication has crossed the line from being helpful to hurtful, take heart. Let me tell you about my journey out of addiction and back to wholeness.

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Recovering from Addiction to Prescription Medications

Allergic Rhinitis Got You Down? 4 Ways To Soothe The Symptoms

by Valerie Stevens

If you've got allergic rhinitis, allergy season can be a real pain, especially if you can't get the symptoms under control. The first thing you should do is talk to your doctor about treatment plans that are available. Once you have a treatment plan in place, you'll need to take matters into your own hands, particularly around the house. You might not realize this, but you might have a lot of allergy triggers floating around your home. If you can get those under control, you'll have a better chance of controlling your allergy symptoms. Here are four steps you can take to help get control of your allergies:

Know Your Triggers

When it comes to allergies, one of the hardest things to do is identify the triggers. Those are the little things – or not so little things – that cause your allergies to act up. If you're not sure what your triggers are, you can't avoid them. To help you identify them, you need to start an allergy journal. Each time you feel your allergies flaring up, make a note of the things you were around, the foods you'd eaten, or new odors you've smelled. The journal will help you track your allergy outbreaks, and identify your triggers.

Wash Your Bedding

If your allergies are particularly bad this season, you might need to wash your bedding more often. Dust and dust mites can really make you miserable during allergy season. Wash your bedding in hot water, and add about a ¼ cup of bleach to each load. For best results, wash your bedding at least once a week.

Keep the Pet Dander Under Control

If you've got pets, you need to get the pet dander under control. Pet dander can wreak havoc on your allergies. Try washing your dog at least once a week, and keep it brushed. If you have a cat, use a damp cloth to clean its fur about once a week, as well. If your dogs and cats go outside, wipe them down with a damp cloth each time they come inside. They could be carrying pollen, and other allergens, in on their fur.

Get Rid of the Mold Before It Can Grow

Mold can really do a number on your allergies. That's why it's important that you stop it before it has a chance to take root in your home. Wipe your bathroom down with a bleach and water solution about once a week, and dry your shower after each use.

Don't let allergic rhinitis make you miserable. Use the tips provided here to gain some relief. If you continue to have problems with your allergies, be sure to talk to your doctor. Check out a website like http://www.nwasthma.com for more information and assistance. 
